From features to annotated gene lists


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
Learning Objectives
  • Be able to use AnnotationDb methods to association annotations with platform data.


To make sure we are doing things right, let’s get the identifiers for 10 probesets.

Try it: Get a limited number of probesets

Let’s work with a limited number of probesets (say, 10) from our differential expression analysis. topTable() gives us 10 in a data.frame, so we can easily create a character vector of the top 10 probesets using methods from the last episode.


ps <- rownames(topTable(fitted.ebayes))
Removing intercept from test coefficients
 [1] "204268_at"   "203691_at"   "228335_at"   "226560_at"   "1558846_at" 
 [6] "201820_at"   "210809_s_at" "204304_s_at" "204971_at"   "206166_s_at"

Annotation of genomic data in AnnotationDb

Using our linear model, we have identified differentially expressed probesets between our two experimental condition. However, the results from topTable() only shows the probeset IDs, rather than the gene names. We need to map these IDs to gene symbols, which can then be further analyzed downstream. Fortunately, R has a wide range of annotation packages that allows us to do this.

To do so, we will use the annotation package hgu133plus2.db, where hgu133plus2 is the array name. Intuitively, different arrays will have different annotation packages, but they will all end with .db.

Different AnnotationDB packages

Besides platform-specific annotation packages, there are also sequence annotation packages (the BSgenome packages) as well as UCSC transcript packages (the UCSC.knownGenes packages) and the organism annotation packages (the org) packages. Feel free to look up the different annotation packages available on BioConductor under the annotations tab.

Let’s take a look at what’s in the package:

 [1] "hgu133plus2"              "hgu133plus2_dbconn"      
 [3] "hgu133plus2_dbfile"       "hgu133plus2_dbInfo"      
 [5] "hgu133plus2_dbschema"     "hgu133plus2.db"          
 [7] "hgu133plus2ACCNUM"        "hgu133plus2ALIAS2PROBE"  
 [9] "hgu133plus2CHR"           "hgu133plus2CHRLENGTHS"   
[11] "hgu133plus2CHRLOC"        "hgu133plus2CHRLOCEND"    
[13] "hgu133plus2ENSEMBL"       "hgu133plus2ENSEMBL2PROBE"
[15] "hgu133plus2ENTREZID"      "hgu133plus2ENZYME"       
[17] "hgu133plus2ENZYME2PROBE"  "hgu133plus2GENENAME"     
[19] "hgu133plus2GO"            "hgu133plus2GO2ALLPROBES" 
[21] "hgu133plus2GO2PROBE"      "hgu133plus2MAP"          
[23] "hgu133plus2MAPCOUNTS"     "hgu133plus2OMIM"         
[25] "hgu133plus2ORGANISM"      "hgu133plus2ORGPKG"       
[27] "hgu133plus2PATH"          "hgu133plus2PATH2PROBE"   
[29] "hgu133plus2PFAM"          "hgu133plus2PMID"         
[31] "hgu133plus2PMID2PROBE"    "hgu133plus2PROSITE"      
[33] "hgu133plus2REFSEQ"        "hgu133plus2SYMBOL"       
[35] "hgu133plus2UNIPROT"      

This version of ls() allows us to quickly list the contents of any package. What we see are a bunch of maps from the hgu133plus2 probeset identifiers (which we have) to other identifiers (which we don’t). We need to provide the probe identifiers of interest and then retrieve the other identifiers of interest.

Method 1: reaching into the databases

Now that we have the probesets in a character vector, let’s use what we have. Each of the objects in ls('package:hgu133plus2') is an environment, which is a special kind of list. The way to extract the values we want is to use the function mget() with the probsets as an argument. If we want the result to be a vector, we need to unlist() it. Here’s an example.

## get the symbols for our probesets
  204268_at   203691_at   228335_at   226560_at  1558846_at   201820_at 
   "S100A2"       "PI3"    "CLDN11"     "SGPP2"  "PNLIPRP3"      "KRT5" 
210809_s_at 204304_s_at   204971_at 206166_s_at 
    "POSTN"     "PROM1"      "CSTA"     "CLCA2" 

This method works on all such annotation data packages, but is a bit cumbersome. Very often we want more than one piece of information, and unlisting might be dangerous if the mapping is not one-to-one.

Let’s try a better method.

Method 2: The AnnotationDbi interface

A lot of Annotation data packages use a common interface through the AnnotationDbi package (see the vignette). There are four key functions:

run a query for selected columns with selected keys
identify what columns are available for a database
some, but occasionally not all, of the columns can be used as keys for a query
list the keys

Let’s first look at the available columns for our chip

[11] "GENETYPE"     "GO"           "GOALL"        "IPI"          "MAP"         
[16] "OMIM"         "ONTOLOGY"     "ONTOLOGYALL"  "PATH"         "PFAM"        
[21] "PMID"         "PROBEID"      "PROSITE"      "REFSEQ"       "SYMBOL"      
[26] "UCSCKG"       "UNIPROT"     

We have a lot of columns to choose from. How about which can be used as keys

[11] "GENETYPE"     "GO"           "GOALL"        "IPI"          "MAP"         
[16] "OMIM"         "ONTOLOGY"     "ONTOLOGYALL"  "PATH"         "PFAM"        
[21] "PMID"         "PROBEID"      "PROSITE"      "REFSEQ"       "SYMBOL"      
[26] "UCSCKG"       "UNIPROT"     

It looks like all the columns can be used as keys. One of the key types is “PROBEID”. That looks right.

[1] "1007_s_at" "1053_at"   "117_at"    "121_at"    "1255_g_at" "1294_at"  

If we want to extract the symbols, gene identifiers, and gene names, it’s as simple as using the select() function from AnnotationDbi with the probesets as our identifiers:

'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
       PROBEID   SYMBOL ENTREZID                              GENENAME
1    204268_at   S100A2     6273       S100 calcium binding protein A2
2    203691_at      PI3     5266                 peptidase inhibitor 3
3    228335_at   CLDN11     5010                            claudin 11
4    226560_at    SGPP2   130367 sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 2
5   1558846_at PNLIPRP3   119548   pancreatic lipase related protein 3
6    201820_at     KRT5     3852                             keratin 5
7  210809_s_at    POSTN    10631                             periostin
8  204304_s_at    PROM1     8842                            prominin 1
9    204971_at     CSTA     1475                            cystatin A
10 206166_s_at    CLCA2     9635          chloride channel accessory 2

Try it!

Using the given information, use topTable() to retrieve all genes that are differentially expressed with a adjusted p-value of less than 0.05, with at fold change of at least two (log fold change at least one). Restrict yourself to upregulated genes.


ps2 <- topTable(fitted.ebayes,number=Inf,p.value = 0.05,lfc=1)
Removing intercept from test coefficients
ps2_up <- rownames(ps2[ps2$logFC > 0,])
df <- AnnotationDbi::select(hgu133plus2.db,ps2_up,c("SYMBOL","ENTREZID","GENENAME"),keytype="PROBEID")
'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
         PROBEID       SYMBOL  ENTREZID                       GENENAME
1      228335_at       CLDN11      5010                     claudin 11
2    210809_s_at        POSTN     10631                      periostin
3      211959_at       IGFBP5      3488 insulin like growth factor ...
4      223618_at         FMN2     56776                       formin 2
5      210143_at       ANXA10     11199                    annexin A10
6      203083_at        THBS2      7058               thrombospondin 2
7      227919_at         UCA1    652995 urothelial cancer associated 1
8      235521_at        HOXA3      3200                    homeobox A3
9      213069_at         HEG1     57493 heart development protein w...
10   210095_s_at       IGFBP3      3486 insulin like growth factor ...
11  1555778_a_at        POSTN     10631                      periostin
12     227450_at        ERP27    121506 endoplasmic reticulum prote...
13   203504_s_at        ABCA1        19 ATP binding cassette subfam...
14     229824_at         SHC3     53358          SHC adaptor protein 3
15   201744_s_at          LUM      4060                        lumican
16     203440_at         CDH2      1000                     cadherin 2
17     203854_at          CFI      3426            complement factor I
18     242005_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
19   215729_s_at        VGLL1     51442 vestigial like family member 1
20     202481_at        DHRS3      9249      dehydrogenase/reductase 3
21     203304_at        BAMBI     25805 BMP and activin membrane bo...
22     202363_at       SPOCK1      6695 SPARC (osteonectin), cwcv a...
23     225202_at      RHOBTB3     22836 Rho related BTB domain cont...
24  1555471_a_at         FMN2     56776                       formin 2
25   200665_s_at        SPARC      6678 secreted protein acidic and...
26     227396_at        PTPRJ      5795 protein tyrosine phosphatas...
27     223204_at       GASK1B     51313     golgi associated kinase 1B
28     203108_at       GPRC5A      9052 G protein-coupled receptor ...
29     206336_at        CXCL6      6372 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 6
30   204422_s_at         FGF2      2247     fibroblast growth factor 2
31   223557_s_at       TMEFF2     23671 transmembrane protein with ...
32   231579_s_at        TIMP2      7077 TIMP metallopeptidase inhib...
33     214954_at        SUSD5     26032      sushi domain containing 5
34     226279_at       PRSS23     11098             serine protease 23
35     236277_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
36     223484_at     C15orf48     84419 chromosome 15 open reading ...
37   203874_s_at      SMARCA1      6594 SWI/SNF related, matrix ass...
38   224480_s_at        GPAT3     84803 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltr...
39     213258_at         TFPI      7035 tissue factor pathway inhib...
40     218435_at      DNAJC15     29103 DnaJ heat shock protein fam...
41     202016_at         MEST      4232   mesoderm specific transcript
42   210762_s_at         DLC1     10395 DLC1 Rho GTPase activating ...
43     226905_at        RFLNB    359845                      refilin B
44     231240_at         DIO2      1734     iodothyronine deiodinase 2
45     203505_at        ABCA1        19 ATP binding cassette subfam...
46     202838_at        FUCA1      2517           alpha-L-fucosidase 1
47     201288_at      ARHGDIB       397 Rho GDP dissociation inhibi...
48   221024_s_at      SLC2A10     81031 solute carrier family 2 mem...
49     203180_at      ALDH1A3       220 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 fa...
50     234994_at     TMEM200A    114801     transmembrane protein 200A
51     212328_at       LIMCH1     22998 LIM and calponin homology d...
52     229242_at      TNFSF15      9966      TNF superfamily member 15
53     212667_at        SPARC      6678 secreted protein acidic and...
54     218332_at         BEX1     55859     brain expressed X-linked 1
55   206392_s_at      RARRES1      5918 retinoic acid receptor resp...
56   212143_s_at       IGFBP3      3486 insulin like growth factor ...
57     230869_at      FAM155A    728215 family with sequence simila...
58    1562484_at        MEIOC    284071 meiosis specific with coile...
59   208510_s_at        PPARG      5468 peroxisome proliferator act...
60     209291_at          ID4      3400 inhibitor of DNA binding 4,...
61     238689_at       ADGRF1    266977 adhesion G protein-coupled ...
62     202391_at        BASP1     10409 brain abundant membrane att...
63     203895_at        PLCB4      5332         phospholipase C beta 4
64     212325_at       LIMCH1     22998 LIM and calponin homology d...
65     225645_at          EHF     26298          ETS homologous factor
66   201565_s_at          ID2      3398     inhibitor of DNA binding 2
67     206391_at      RARRES1      5918 retinoic acid receptor resp...
68   215294_s_at      SMARCA1      6594 SWI/SNF related, matrix ass...
69     225817_at        CGNL1     84952                cingulin like 1
70   201566_x_at          ID2      3398     inhibitor of DNA binding 2
71   207826_s_at          ID3      3399 inhibitor of DNA binding 3,...
72     221085_at      TNFSF15      9966      TNF superfamily member 15
73     226751_at       CNRIP1     25927 cannabinoid receptor intera...
74     232231_at        RUNX2       860 RUNX family transcription f...
75     223315_at         NTN4     59277                       netrin 4
76     203851_at       IGFBP6      3489 insulin like growth factor ...
77   204421_s_at         FGF2      2247     fibroblast growth factor 2
78     212327_at       LIMCH1     22998 LIM and calponin homology d...
79     202957_at        HCLS1      3059 hematopoietic cell-specific...
80   206382_s_at         BDNF       627 brain derived neurotrophic ...
81     209581_at       PLAAT3     11145 phospholipase A and acyltra...
82   203603_s_at         ZEB2      9839 zinc finger E-box binding h...
83     204159_at       CDKN2C      1031 cyclin dependent kinase inh...
84   209121_x_at        NR2F2      7026 nuclear receptor subfamily ...
85     204341_at       TRIM16     10626 tripartite motif containing 16
86     204070_at       PLAAT4      5920 phospholipase A and acyltra...
87  1566766_a_at        MACC1    346389 MET transcriptional regulat...
88  1555812_a_at      ARHGDIB       397 Rho GDP dissociation inhibi...
89     219014_at        PLAC8     51316          placenta associated 8
90     225673_at        MYADM     91663 myeloid associated differen...
91     212148_at         PBX1      5087                 PBX homeobox 1
92     205923_at         RELN      5649                         reelin
93   207480_s_at        MEIS2      4212                Meis homeobox 2
94     201859_at         SRGN      5552                      serglycin
95     213170_at         GPX7      2882       glutathione peroxidase 7
96   243366_s_at        ITGA4      3676       integrin subunit alpha 4
97     212444_at       GPRC5A      9052 G protein-coupled receptor ...
98     235004_at        RBM24    221662   RNA binding motif protein 24
99   215073_s_at        NR2F2      7026 nuclear receptor subfamily ...
100    212233_at        MAP1B      4131 microtubule associated prot...
101  206307_s_at        FOXD1      2297                forkhead box D1
102    220468_at        ARL14     80117 ADP ribosylation factor lik...
103    213338_at      TMEM158     25907      transmembrane protein 158
104  202524_s_at       SPOCK2      9806 SPARC (osteonectin), cwcv a...
105    206595_at         CST6      1474                   cystatin E/M
106    223103_at      STARD10     10809 StAR related lipid transfer...
107    202458_at       PRSS23     11098             serine protease 23
108  202976_s_at      RHOBTB3     22836 Rho related BTB domain cont...
109  205487_s_at        VGLL1     51442 vestigial like family member 1
110    202732_at         PKIG     11142 cAMP-dependent protein kina...
111    230250_at        PTPRB      5787 protein tyrosine phosphatas...
112    226622_at        MUC20    200958 mucin 20, cell surface asso...
113    204086_at        PRAME     23532 PRAME nuclear receptor tran...
114    228640_at        PCDH7      5099                protocadherin 7
115  213620_s_at        ICAM2      3384 intercellular adhesion mole...
116    228573_at       ANTXR2    118429 ANTXR cell adhesion molecule 2
117    204256_at       ELOVL6     79071    ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6
118    223044_at      SLC40A1     30061 solute carrier family 40 me...
119  203700_s_at         DIO2      1734     iodothyronine deiodinase 2
120    232235_at         DSEL     92126 dermatan sulfate epimerase ...
121    201042_at         TGM2      7052             transglutaminase 2
122    203167_at        TIMP2      7077 TIMP metallopeptidase inhib...
123    201939_at         PLK2     10769             polo like kinase 2
124    227123_at        RAB3B      5865 RAB3B, member RAS oncogene ...
125    209035_at          MDK      4192                        midkine
126    204932_at    TNFRSF11B      4982 TNF receptor superfamily me...
127    227764_at        LYPD6    130574  LY6/PLAUR domain containing 6
128  215446_s_at          LOX      4015                  lysyl oxidase
129  203828_s_at         IL32      9235                 interleukin 32
130  202202_s_at        LAMA4      3910        laminin subunit alpha 4
131  205422_s_at       ITGBL1      9358   integrin subunit beta like 1
132    205844_at         VNN1      8876                        vanin 1
133    231849_at        KRT80    144501                     keratin 80
134    203510_at          MET      4233 MET proto-oncogene, recepto...
135    203875_at      SMARCA1      6594 SWI/SNF related, matrix ass...
136    215617_at      SPATS2L     26010 spermatogenesis associated ...
137  203767_s_at          STS       412              steroid sulfatase
138  232676_x_at        MYEF2     50804     myelin expression factor 2
139    227811_at         FGD3     89846 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain ...
140  212096_s_at        MTUS1     57509 microtubule associated scaf...
141    213416_at        ITGA4      3676       integrin subunit alpha 4
142  209470_s_at        GPM6A      2823               glycoprotein M6A
143    224560_at        TIMP2      7077 TIMP metallopeptidase inhib...
144    225061_at       DNAJA4     55466 DnaJ heat shock protein fam...
145    219179_at        DACT1     51339 dishevelled binding antagon...
146    212764_at         ZEB1      6935 zinc finger E-box binding h...
147    210220_at         FZD2      2535      frizzled class receptor 2
148    219937_at        TRHDE     29953 thyrotropin releasing hormo...
149  203896_s_at        PLCB4      5332         phospholipase C beta 4
150    213358_at        MTCL1     23255 microtubule crosslinking fa...
151    221872_at      RARRES1      5918 retinoic acid receptor resp...
152    218284_at        SMAD3      4088           SMAD family member 3
153  204149_s_at        GSTM4      2948 glutathione S-transferase mu 4
154    212822_at         HEG1     57493 heart development protein w...
155    212489_at       COL5A1      1289  collagen type V alpha 1 chain
156  201280_s_at         DAB2      1601          DAB adaptor protein 2
157 1555564_a_at          CFI      3426            complement factor I
158   1557779_at      LNCAROD 101928687 lncRNA activating regulator...
159  207463_x_at        PRSS3      5646              serine protease 3
160  216048_s_at      RHOBTB3     22836 Rho related BTB domain cont...
161    227688_at        LRCH2     57631 leucine rich repeats and ca...
162  224352_s_at         CFL2      1073                      cofilin 2
163    203697_at         FRZB      2487       frizzled related protein
164  208937_s_at          ID1      3397 inhibitor of DNA binding 1,...
165    204667_at        FOXA1      3169                forkhead box A1
166    213711_at        KRT81      3887                     keratin 81
167  201010_s_at        TXNIP     10628 thioredoxin interacting pro...
168  202554_s_at        GSTM3      2947 glutathione S-transferase mu 3
169    208712_at        CCND1       595                      cyclin D1
170  214091_s_at         GPX3      2878       glutathione peroxidase 3
171 1556300_s_at         SIM1      6492 SIM bHLH transcription fact...
172    232151_at        MACC1    346389 MET transcriptional regulat...
173  205387_s_at         CGB3      1082 chorionic gonadotropin subu...
174  205387_s_at         CGB5     93659 chorionic gonadotropin subu...
175  205387_s_at         CGB7     94027 chorionic gonadotropin subu...
176    226084_at        MAP1B      4131 microtubule associated prot...
177    243521_at         ZXDA      7789 zinc finger X-linked duplic...
178  203325_s_at       COL5A1      1289  collagen type V alpha 1 chain
179  212509_s_at        MXRA7    439921 matrix remodeling associated 7
180  221577_x_at        GDF15      9518 growth differentiation fact...
181    212386_at         TCF4      6925         transcription factor 4
182    205016_at         TGFA      7039 transforming growth factor ...
183    228642_at     HOTAIRM1 100506311 HOXA transcript antisense R...
184  235256_s_at         GALM    130589           galactose mutarotase
185    226997_at     ADAMTS12     81792 ADAM metallopeptidase with ...
186    213906_at        MYBL1      4603      MYB proto-oncogene like 1
187    221911_at         ETV1      2115 ETS variant transcription f...
188  221031_s_at       APOLD1     81575 apolipoprotein L domain con...
189    226713_at       CCDC50    152137 coiled-coil domain containi...
190    228005_at         ZXDB    158586 zinc finger X-linked duplic...
191    202800_at       SLC1A3      6507 solute carrier family 1 mem...
192    236831_at       CCDC50    152137 coiled-coil domain containi...
193    204036_at        LPAR1      1902 lysophosphatidic acid recep...
194    225524_at       ANTXR2    118429 ANTXR cell adhesion molecule 2
195    212339_at      EPB41L1      2036 erythrocyte membrane protei...
196    225003_at      TMEM205    374882      transmembrane protein 205
197  244353_s_at      SLC2A12    154091 solute carrier family 2 mem...
198    209120_at        NR2F2      7026 nuclear receptor subfamily ...
199    203184_at         FBN2      2201                    fibrillin 2
200  209267_s_at      SLC39A8     64116 solute carrier family 39 me...
201  212067_s_at          C1R       715                 complement C1r
202  224663_s_at         CFL2      1073                      cofilin 2
203 1557051_s_at     HOTAIRM1 100506311 HOXA transcript antisense R...
204    227599_at       MB21D2    151963     Mab-21 domain containing 2
205  238029_s_at     SLC16A14    151473 solute carrier family 16 me...
206    228693_at       CCDC50    152137 coiled-coil domain containi...
207  227966_s_at      CCDC74A     90557 coiled-coil domain containi...
208  227966_s_at      CCDC74B     91409 coiled-coil domain containi...
209    230130_at        SLIT2      9353         slit guidance ligand 2
210    237435_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
211    235591_at        SSTR1      6751        somatostatin receptor 1
212  203632_s_at       GPRC5B     51704 G protein-coupled receptor ...
213    239202_at        RAB3B      5865 RAB3B, member RAS oncogene ...
214   1555852_at    PSMB8-AS1 100507463 PSMB8 antisense RNA 1 (head...
215    235230_at       PLCXD2    257068 phosphatidylinositol specif...
216  203060_s_at       PAPSS2      9060 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phos...
217  229269_x_at        SSBP4    170463 single stranded DNA binding...
218    227444_at       ARMCX4 100131755 armadillo repeat containing...
219  205535_s_at        PCDH7      5099                protocadherin 7
220    203939_at         NT5E      4907           5'-nucleotidase ecto
221    229194_at        PCGF5     84333   polycomb group ring finger 5
222    213413_at        STON1     11037                       stonin 1
223  204908_s_at         BCL3       602 BCL3 transcription coactivator
224    202179_at         BLMH       642            bleomycin hydrolase
225    203585_at       ZNF185      7739 zinc finger protein 185 wit...
226    222803_at      PRTFDC1     56952 phosphoribosyl transferase ...
227    228737_at         TOX2     84969 TOX high mobility group box...
228    203636_at         MID1      4281                      midline 1
229    228107_at      C8orf88 100127983 chromosome 8 open reading f...
230    202664_at        WIPF1      7456 WAS/WASL interacting protei...
231  228098_s_at        MYLIP     29116 myosin regulatory light cha...
232  213400_s_at        TBL1X      6907 transducin beta like 1 X-li...
233  213421_x_at        PRSS3      5646              serine protease 3
234    212423_at      ZCCHC24    219654 zinc finger CCHC-type conta...
235    213150_at       HOXA10      3206                   homeobox A10
236  204339_s_at         RGS4      5999 regulator of G protein sign...
237    204994_at          MX2      4600       MX dynamin like GTPase 2
238    204237_at        GULP1     51454 GULP PTB domain containing ...
239  214639_s_at        HOXA1      3198                    homeobox A1
240    201348_at         GPX3      2878       glutathione peroxidase 3
241    204337_at         RGS4      5999 regulator of G protein sign...
242    235050_at      SLC2A12    154091 solute carrier family 2 mem...
243  204338_s_at         RGS4      5999 regulator of G protein sign...
244    202388_at         RGS2      5997 regulator of G protein sign...
245   1566764_at        MACC1    346389 MET transcriptional regulat...
246    208782_at        FSTL1     11167             follistatin like 1
247  210664_s_at         TFPI      7035 tissue factor pathway inhib...
248    219895_at     TMEM255A     55026     transmembrane protein 255A
249    204748_at        PTGS2      5743 prostaglandin-endoperoxide ...
250  204298_s_at          LOX      4015                  lysyl oxidase
251    227719_at        SMAD9      4093           SMAD family member 9
252    204819_at         FGD1      2245 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain ...
253    219902_at        BHMT2     23743 betaine--homocysteine S-met...
254  200999_s_at        CKAP4     10970 cytoskeleton associated pro...
255    226137_at        ZFHX3       463         zinc finger homeobox 3
256    228933_at          NHS      4810 NHS actin remodeling regulator
257  233825_s_at       CD99L2     83692           CD99 molecule like 2
258    227846_at       GPR176     11245 G protein-coupled receptor 176
259    242417_at      PLEKHA7    144100 pleckstrin homology domain ...
260  201058_s_at         MYL9     10398           myosin light chain 9
261  228128_x_at        PAPPA      5069                   pappalysin 1
262    204955_at         SRPX      8406 sushi repeat containing pro...
263  209198_s_at        SYT11     23208               synaptotagmin 11
264    201506_at        TGFBI      7045 transforming growth factor ...
265  209356_x_at       EFEMP2     30008 EGF containing fibulin extr...
266  203441_s_at         CDH2      1000                     cadherin 2
267  223218_s_at       NFKBIZ     64332            NFKB inhibitor zeta
268    205316_at      SLC15A2      6565 solute carrier family 15 me...
269    215263_at         ZXDA      7789 zinc finger X-linked duplic...
270    215263_at         ZXDB    158586 zinc finger X-linked duplic...
271    232239_at    LINC00865    643529 long intergenic non-protein...
272    212531_at         LCN2      3934                    lipocalin 2
273    213844_at        HOXA5      3202                    homeobox A5
274  210065_s_at        UPK1B      7348                   uroplakin 1B
275    227458_at        CD274     29126                 CD274 molecule
276    230372_at         HAS2      3037          hyaluronan synthase 2
277    200962_at        RPL31      6160          ribosomal protein L31
278    218573_at       MAGEH1     28986          MAGE family member H1
279    242051_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
280    226152_at        TTC7B    145567 tetratricopeptide repeat do...
281    229437_at     MIR155HG    114614               MIR155 host gene
282    209676_at         TFPI      7035 tissue factor pathway inhib...
283    205884_at        ITGA4      3676       integrin subunit alpha 4
284    204639_at          ADA       100            adenosine deaminase
285   1554171_at        ZMYM3      9203 zinc finger MYM-type contai...
286    235391_at       CIBAR1    137392 CBY1 interacting BAR domain...
287  205398_s_at        SMAD3      4088           SMAD family member 3
288  234192_s_at        GKAP1     80318   G kinase anchoring protein 1
289  222016_s_at      ZSCAN31     64288 zinc finger and SCAN domain...
290  222942_s_at        TIAM2     26230     TIAM Rac1 associated GEF 2
291    219450_at      C4orf19     55286 chromosome 4 open reading f...
292  210064_s_at        UPK1B      7348                   uroplakin 1B
293    218729_at          LXN     56925                        latexin
294  229461_x_at        NEGR1    257194    neuronal growth regulator 1
295    230788_at        GCNT2      2651 glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) tra...
296    209651_at      TGFB1I1      7041 transforming growth factor ...
297  206116_s_at         TPM1      7168                  tropomyosin 1
298    229354_at   PDCD6-AHRR 116412618 PDCD6-AHRR readthrough (NMD...
299    229354_at         AHRR     57491 aryl-hydrocarbon receptor r...
300    226876_at        RFLNB    359845                      refilin B
301  241484_x_at       FRG1CP 100289097 FSHD region gene 1 family m...
302    226875_at       DOCK11    139818    dedicator of cytokinesis 11
303    238032_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
304    204279_at        PSMB9      5698  proteasome 20S subunit beta 9
305    224823_at         MYLK      4638      myosin light chain kinase
306    226534_at        KITLG      4254                     KIT ligand
307    242093_at        SYTL5     94122           synaptotagmin like 5
308    224990_at       SMIM14    201895 small integral membrane pro...
309  232322_x_at      STARD10     10809 StAR related lipid transfer...
310  204933_s_at    TNFRSF11B      4982 TNF receptor superfamily me...
311    201510_at         ELF3      1999 E74 like ETS transcription ...
312    205130_at          MOK      5891             MOK protein kinase
313 1557961_s_at      C8orf88 100127983 chromosome 8 open reading f...
314    205259_at        NR3C2      4306 nuclear receptor subfamily ...
315    206432_at         HAS2      3037          hyaluronan synthase 2
316  201009_s_at        TXNIP     10628 thioredoxin interacting pro...
317    219148_at          PBK     55872             PDZ binding kinase
318  229465_s_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
319    227503_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
320    205978_at           KL      9365                         klotho
321  210751_s_at          RGN      9104                     regucalcin
322  214519_s_at         RLN2      6019                      relaxin 2
323    225847_at        NCEH1     57552 neutral cholesterol ester h...
324    227449_at        EPHA4      2043                EPH receptor A4
325    222772_at        MYEF2     50804     myelin expression factor 2
326  220979_s_at   ST6GALNAC5     81849 ST6 N-acetylgalactosaminide...
327    228035_at        STK33     65975     serine/threonine kinase 33
328    235171_at LOC100505501 100505501   uncharacterized LOC100505501
329    238423_at        SYTL3     94120           synaptotagmin like 3
330  215913_s_at        GULP1     51454 GULP PTB domain containing ...
331    209292_at          ID4      3400 inhibitor of DNA binding 4,...
332  203699_s_at         DIO2      1734     iodothyronine deiodinase 2
333  210868_s_at       ELOVL6     79071    ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6
334    206698_at           XK      7504        X-linked Kx blood group
335    226066_at         MITF      4286 melanocyte inducing transcr...
336    210002_at        GATA6      2627         GATA binding protein 6
337    212771_at     FAM171A1    221061 family with sequence simila...
338    227491_at       ELOVL6     79071    ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6
339  209293_x_at          ID4      3400 inhibitor of DNA binding 4,...
340  214651_s_at        HOXA9      3205                    homeobox A9
341  214651_s_at HOXA10-HOXA9 100534589       HOXA10-HOXA9 readthrough
342    204037_at        LPAR1      1902 lysophosphatidic acid recep...
343  224964_s_at         GNG2     54331      G protein subunit gamma 2
344    228450_at      PLEKHA7    144100 pleckstrin homology domain ...
345    226425_at        CLIP4     79745 CAP-Gly domain containing l...
346    237086_at        FOXA1      3169                forkhead box A1
347  205890_s_at          UBD     10537                    ubiquitin D
348  205890_s_at       GABBR1      2550 gamma-aminobutyric acid typ...
349  232079_s_at      NECTIN2      5819 nectin cell adhesion molecu...
350    229092_at        NR2F2      7026 nuclear receptor subfamily ...
351    227341_at        BEND7    222389        BEN domain containing 7
352    212488_at       COL5A1      1289  collagen type V alpha 1 chain
353    238877_at         EYA4      2070 EYA transcriptional coactiv...
354  228850_s_at        SLIT2      9353         slit guidance ligand 2
355  205925_s_at        RAB3B      5865 RAB3B, member RAS oncogene ...
356   1554062_at           XG      7499 Xg glycoprotein (Xg blood g...
357  201150_s_at        TIMP3      7078 TIMP metallopeptidase inhib...
358    207177_at        PTGFR      5737       prostaglandin F receptor
359  236918_s_at       LRRC34    151827 leucine rich repeat contain...
360    227554_at    MAGI2-AS3 100505881          MAGI2 antisense RNA 3
361  205005_s_at         NMT2      9397       N-myristoyltransferase 2
362    201425_at        ALDH2       217 aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 fa...
363  210675_s_at        PTPRR      5801 protein tyrosine phosphatas...
364  227703_s_at        SYTL4     94121           synaptotagmin like 4
365     52837_at      SHISAL1     85352                   shisa like 1
366    226326_at        PCGF5     84333   polycomb group ring finger 5
367  209782_s_at          DBP      1628 D-box binding PAR bZIP tran...
368    227763_at        LYPD6    130574  LY6/PLAUR domain containing 6
369    212636_at          QKI      9444 QKI, KH domain containing R...
370     35626_at         SGSH      6448 N-sulfoglucosamine sulfohyd...
371  222771_s_at        MYEF2     50804     myelin expression factor 2
372    220014_at        PRR16     51334                proline rich 16
373  201008_s_at        TXNIP     10628 thioredoxin interacting pro...
374  226933_s_at          ID4      3400 inhibitor of DNA binding 4,...
375    228608_at        NALCN    259232 sodium leak channel, non-se...
376    201278_at         DAB2      1601          DAB adaptor protein 2
377    212151_at         PBX1      5087                 PBX homeobox 1
378  201137_s_at     HLA-DPB1      3115 major histocompatibility co...
379    204646_at         DPYD      1806 dihydropyrimidine dehydroge...
380    212336_at      EPB41L1      2036 erythrocyte membrane protei...
381    236769_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
382  203637_s_at         MID1      4281                      midline 1
383    229480_at    MAGI2-AS3 100505881          MAGI2 antisense RNA 3
384    201069_at         MMP2      4313      matrix metallopeptidase 2
385  211458_s_at    GABARAPL3     23766 GABA type A receptor associ...
386  211458_s_at    GABARAPL1     23710 GABA type A receptor associ...
387    235988_at       ADGRF1    266977 adhesion G protein-coupled ...
388  201809_s_at          ENG      2022                       endoglin
389  216014_s_at         ZXDA      7789 zinc finger X-linked duplic...
390  216014_s_at         ZXDB    158586 zinc finger X-linked duplic...
391    205924_at        RAB3B      5865 RAB3B, member RAS oncogene ...
392  204235_s_at        GULP1     51454 GULP PTB domain containing ...
393    214033_at        ABCC6       368 ATP binding cassette subfam...
394    214033_at      ABCC6P1    653190 ATP binding cassette subfam...
395    214033_at      ABCC6P2    730013 ATP binding cassette subfam...
396    224941_at        PAPPA      5069                   pappalysin 1
397    206029_at       ANKRD1     27063        ankyrin repeat domain 1
398  201858_s_at         SRGN      5552                      serglycin
399  206580_s_at       EFEMP2     30008 EGF containing fibulin extr...
400  207836_s_at        RBPMS     11030 RNA binding protein, mRNA p...
401  217388_s_at         KYNU      8942                   kynureninase
402    209710_at        GATA2      2624         GATA binding protein 2
403    203196_at        ABCC4     10257 ATP binding cassette subfam...
404  204529_s_at          TOX      9760 thymocyte selection associa...
405    241789_at        RBMS3     27303 RNA binding motif single st...
406    235759_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
407 1554334_a_at       DNAJA4     55466 DnaJ heat shock protein fam...
408  202975_s_at      RHOBTB3     22836 Rho related BTB domain cont...
409  212093_s_at        MTUS1     57509 microtubule associated scaf...
410  202087_s_at         CTSL      1514                    cathepsin L
411    235051_at       CCDC50    152137 coiled-coil domain containi...
412  209897_s_at        SLIT2      9353         slit guidance ligand 2
413  233496_s_at         CFL2      1073                      cofilin 2
414  205885_s_at        ITGA4      3676       integrin subunit alpha 4
415    235367_at         MYPN     84665                    myopalladin
416    218469_at        GREM1     26585 gremlin 1, DAN family BMP a...
417 1552502_s_at       RHBDL2     54933                rhomboid like 2
418    227486_at         NT5E      4907           5'-nucleotidase ecto
419    238447_at        RBMS3     27303 RNA binding motif single st...
420  205006_s_at         NMT2      9397       N-myristoyltransferase 2
421  231941_s_at        MUC20    200958 mucin 20, cell surface asso...
422    241869_at        APOL6     80830              apolipoprotein L6
423  218885_s_at      GALNT12     79695 polypeptide N-acetylgalacto...
424  231841_s_at         JCAD     57608 junctional cadherin 5 assoc...
425     59697_at        RAB15    376267 RAB15, member RAS oncogene ...
426 1554997_a_at        PTGS2      5743 prostaglandin-endoperoxide ...
427    238983_at        NSUN7     79730 NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransfer...
428    225978_at       RIMKLB     57494 ribosomal modification prot...
429  225242_s_at       CCDC80    151887 coiled-coil domain containi...
430  218468_s_at        GREM1     26585 gremlin 1, DAN family BMP a...
431    231842_at         JCAD     57608 junctional cadherin 5 assoc...
432    226603_at       SAMD9L    219285 sterile alpha motif domain ...
433  203886_s_at        FBLN2      2199                      fibulin 2
434    230720_at       RNF182    221687        ring finger protein 182
435  213640_s_at          LOX      4015                  lysyl oxidase
436    229441_at       PRSS23     11098             serine protease 23
437    211990_at     HLA-DPA1      3113 major histocompatibility co...
438    214457_at        HOXA2      3199                    homeobox A2
439    214825_at      FAM155A    728215 family with sequence simila...
440    202531_at         IRF1      3659 interferon regulatory factor 1
441    223723_at        MELTF      4241              melanotransferrin
442 1553997_a_at       ASPHD1    253982 aspartate beta-hydroxylase ...
443    232270_at        AOPEP     84909    aminopeptidase O (putative)
444    213158_at       ZBTB20     26137 zinc finger and BTB domain ...
445  232361_s_at          EHF     26298          ETS homologous factor
446    209469_at        GPM6A      2823               glycoprotein M6A
447  221232_s_at       ANKRD2     26287        ankyrin repeat domain 2
448    213547_at        CAND2     23066 cullin associated and neddy...
449  214247_s_at         DKK3     27122 dickkopf WNT signaling path...
450  202555_s_at         MYLK      4638      myosin light chain kinase
451  224189_x_at          EHF     26298          ETS homologous factor
452    204726_at        CDH13      1012                    cadherin 13
453    204115_at        GNG11      2791     G protein subunit gamma 11
454    210176_at         TLR1      7096           toll like receptor 1
455    218029_at       RIPOR1     79567 RHO family interacting cell...
456  210757_x_at         DAB2      1601          DAB adaptor protein 2
457    235350_at      C4orf19     55286 chromosome 4 open reading f...
458    223253_at        EPDR1     54749            ependymin related 1
459  200998_s_at        CKAP4     10970 cytoskeleton associated pro...
460    206291_at          NTS      4922                    neurotensin
461    214078_at         PAK3      5063  p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 3
462  211003_x_at         TGM2      7052             transglutaminase 2
463  201279_s_at         DAB2      1601          DAB adaptor protein 2
464    218613_at         PSD3     23362 pleckstrin and Sec7 domain ...
465    204284_at      PPP1R3C      5507 protein phosphatase 1 regul...
466  209159_s_at        NDRG4     65009           NDRG family member 4
467    218893_at        ISOC2     79763 isochorismatase domain cont...
468    219944_at        CLIP4     79745 CAP-Gly domain containing l...
469  204198_s_at        RUNX3       864 RUNX family transcription f...
470  203058_s_at       PAPSS2      9060 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phos...
471  232825_s_at         DSEL     92126 dermatan sulfate epimerase ...
472    226103_at         NEXN     91624 nexilin F-actin binding pro...
473  243041_s_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
474 1555097_a_at        PTGFR      5737       prostaglandin F receptor
475   1568838_at       WASIR2 100132169  WASH and IL9R antisense RNA 2
476  224940_s_at        PAPPA      5069                   pappalysin 1
477    235570_at        RBMS3     27303 RNA binding motif single st...
478    201482_at        QSOX1      5768  quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 1
479  203698_s_at         FRZB      2487       frizzled related protein
480    223614_at        MMP16      4325     matrix metallopeptidase 16
481  211573_x_at         TGM2      7052             transglutaminase 2
482  201147_s_at        TIMP3      7078 TIMP metallopeptidase inhib...
483  202724_s_at        FOXO1      2308                forkhead box O1
484  206600_s_at      SLC16A5      9121 solute carrier family 16 me...
485    226771_at       ATP8B2     57198 ATPase phospholipid transpo...
486    225562_at        RASA3     22821    RAS p21 protein activator 3
487  211599_x_at          MET      4233 MET proto-oncogene, recepto...
488    228360_at       LYPD6B    130576 LY6/PLAUR domain containing 6B
489 1559506_x_at     MIR137HG    400765               MIR137 host gene
490 1559506_x_at      MIR2682 100616452                  microRNA 2682
491    211958_at       IGFBP5      3488 insulin like growth factor ...
492  209589_s_at        EPHB2      2048                EPH receptor B2
493    227808_at      DNAJC15     29103 DnaJ heat shock protein fam...
494    228948_at        EPHA4      2043                EPH receptor A4
495    236369_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
496  205872_x_at      PDE4DIP      9659 phosphodiesterase 4D intera...
497    236523_at      C4orf54    285556 chromosome 4 open reading f...
498    223878_at       INPP4B      8821 inositol polyphosphate-4-ph...
499    219855_at       NUDT11     55190             nudix hydrolase 11
500    212419_at      ZCCHC24    219654 zinc finger CCHC-type conta...
501    236798_at    LINC00888 100505687 long intergenic non-protein...
502    229842_at         ELF3      1999 E74 like ETS transcription ...
503    213156_at       ZBTB20     26137 zinc finger and BTB domain ...
504  207069_s_at        SMAD6      4091           SMAD family member 6
505    209723_at     SERPINB9      5272       serpin family B member 9
506  207818_s_at         HTR7      3363 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7
507 1558048_x_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
508    231993_at       ITGBL1      9358   integrin subunit beta like 1
509    206828_at          TXK      7294            TXK tyrosine kinase
510    206876_at         SIM1      6492 SIM bHLH transcription fact...
511  236281_x_at         HTR7      3363 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7
512    213325_at      NECTIN3     25945 nectin cell adhesion molecu...
513  222773_s_at      GALNT12     79695 polypeptide N-acetylgalacto...
514    242396_at        NR2F2      7026 nuclear receptor subfamily ...
515  210612_s_at        SYNJ2      8871                 synaptojanin 2
516    213712_at       ELOVL2     54898    ELOVL fatty acid elongase 2
517    229372_at       GOLT1A    127845             golgi transport 1A
518    231248_at         CST6      1474                   cystatin E/M
519  216098_s_at       HTR7P1     93164 5-hydroxytryptamine recepto...
520  216098_s_at         HTR7      3363 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7
521    226592_at       ZNF618    114991        zinc finger protein 618
522  213807_x_at          MET      4233 MET proto-oncogene, recepto...
523    229464_at        MYEF2     50804     myelin expression factor 2
524    228481_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
525   1557050_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
526   1554333_at       DNAJA4     55466 DnaJ heat shock protein fam...
527  219850_s_at          EHF     26298          ETS homologous factor
528    214927_at       ITGBL1      9358   integrin subunit beta like 1
529    235236_at      INSYN2B 100131897 inhibitory synaptic factor ...
530    204035_at         SCG2      7857               secretogranin II
531    230183_at         EXT1      2131 exostosin glycosyltransfera...
532    222168_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>
533    214500_at    MACROH2A1      9555             macroH2A.1 histone
534  209119_x_at        NR2F2      7026 nuclear receptor subfamily ...
535    240407_at     NAV2-AS6 100126784           NAV2 antisense RNA 6
536    205421_at      SLC22A3      6581 solute carrier family 22 me...
537    235122_at       HIVEP3     59269            HIVEP zinc finger 3
538  212095_s_at        MTUS1     57509 microtubule associated scaf...
539    209905_at        HOXA9      3205                    homeobox A9
540    209905_at HOXA10-HOXA9 100534589       HOXA10-HOXA9 readthrough
541  205466_s_at       HS3ST1      9957 heparan sulfate-glucosamine...
542    236917_at       LRRC34    151827 leucine rich repeat contain...
543    225355_at      NEURL1B     54492 neuralized E3 ubiquitin pro...
544    224989_at       SMIM14    201895 small integral membrane pro...
545  223217_s_at       NFKBIZ     64332            NFKB inhibitor zeta
546  223226_x_at        SSBP4    170463 single stranded DNA binding...
547  230329_s_at        NUDT6     11162              nudix hydrolase 6
548    235643_at       SAMD9L    219285 sterile alpha motif domain ...
549 1557080_s_at       ITGBL1      9358   integrin subunit beta like 1
550    230831_at        FRMD5     84978       FERM domain containing 5
551    206805_at       SEMA3A     10371                  semaphorin 3A
552  208711_s_at        CCND1       595                      cyclin D1
553  210875_s_at         ZEB1      6935 zinc finger E-box binding h...
554    229435_at        GLIS3    169792      GLIS family zinc finger 3
555  206941_x_at       SEMA3E      9723                  semaphorin 3E
556   1559361_at        MACC1    346389 MET transcriptional regulat...
557   1559361_at LOC101927668 101927668   uncharacterized LOC101927668
558    219451_at        MSRB2     22921 methionine sulfoxide reduct...
559   1557236_at        APOL6     80830              apolipoprotein L6
560 1552309_a_at         NEXN     91624 nexilin F-actin binding pro...
561  224920_x_at        MYADM     91663 myeloid associated differen...
562    225575_at         LIFR      3977     LIF receptor subunit alpha
563    236029_at         FAT3    120114        FAT atypical cadherin 3
564  206330_s_at         SHC3     53358          SHC adaptor protein 3
565  206290_s_at         RGS7      6000 regulator of G protein sign...
566    236489_at       ADGRF1    266977 adhesion G protein-coupled ...
567    209750_at        NR1D2      9975 nuclear receptor subfamily ...
568  235331_x_at        PCGF5     84333   polycomb group ring finger 5
569    224822_at         DLC1     10395 DLC1 Rho GTPase activating ...
570    244852_at         DSEL     92126 dermatan sulfate epimerase ...
571    222932_at          EHF     26298          ETS homologous factor
572    213590_at      SLC16A5      9121 solute carrier family 16 me...
573    227053_at      PACSIN1     29993 protein kinase C and casein...
574  214647_s_at          HFE      3077     homeostatic iron regulator
575    242629_at        RAB3B      5865 RAB3B, member RAS oncogene ...
576    230036_at       SAMD9L    219285 sterile alpha motif domain ...
577    235030_at        NXPE3     91775 neurexophilin and PC-estera...
578  201867_s_at        TBL1X      6907 transducin beta like 1 X-li...
579    204749_at       NAP1L3      4675 nucleosome assembly protein...
580  213816_s_at          MET      4233 MET proto-oncogene, recepto...
581    235563_at       GPRC5A      9052 G protein-coupled receptor ...
582    230003_at      SLC16A7      9194 solute carrier family 16 me...
583    229963_at         BEX5    340542     brain expressed X-linked 5
584    206084_at        PTPRR      5801 protein tyrosine phosphatas...
585    210173_at        PTPRJ      5795 protein tyrosine phosphatas...
586    228697_at        HINT3    135114 histidine triad nucleotide ...
587    238520_at       TRERF1     55809 transcriptional regulating ...
588    207029_at        KITLG      4254                     KIT ligand
589  215506_s_at       DIRAS3      9077          DIRAS family GTPase 3
590    211020_at        GCNT2      2651 glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) tra...
591  219557_s_at        NRIP3     56675 nuclear receptor interactin...
592  203355_s_at         PSD3     23362 pleckstrin and Sec7 domain ...
593  224496_s_at      TMEM107     84314      transmembrane protein 107
594 1555229_a_at          C1S       716                 complement C1s
595    226533_at        HINT3    135114 histidine triad nucleotide ...
596  211124_s_at        KITLG      4254                     KIT ligand
597    242134_at         <NA>      <NA>                           <NA>

Key Points

  • BioConductor has a rich annotation infrastructure, with different data type being stored in different annotation packages.

  • The select() function allows us to efficiently query annotation databases.

  • Using topTable() in conjunction with rownames() allows us to retrieve all the probes which are differentially expressed between our experimental conditions.