This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Introduction to ChIP-seq analysis

Chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) is becoming increasingly popular as a method to obtain a high-resolution map of transcription factor binding sites across the genome, as well as histone modifications. In today’s class, we will discuss ChIP-seq analysis of a transcription factor, although the principles are largely the same when analyzing histone modifications.


It is assumed that you are comfortable working in the command line environment. An understanding of chromatin immunoprecipitation is also useful in understanding how peak calling works. Finally, it is assumed that everyone is able to perform sequence alignment using bowtie2. For that reason, we will not be going through the alignment and instead be providing everyone with the aligned reads as the starting point for today’s practical.


Time Topic Learning Objectives
Before start Setup
14:00 Introduction
  • Be familiarized with the major steps involved in ChIP-seq data analysis.
14:15 Peak calling with MACS2
  • Be familiar with peak calling using the MACS2 software packages.
  • Be aware of the different arguments, and their default values, in MACS2 when peak calling.
15:00 Annotation on peaks
  • Show how to retrieve data from UCSC table browser.
  • Explain BED format.
  • Learn basic usage of bedtools.
15:30 Motif enrichment/discovery
  • Appreciate the utility of motif enrichment/discovery from Chip-Seq data
  • Complete a motif analysis using the Chip-seq data provided
  • Comment on the results obtained from the motif analysis
16:00 Finish