Basic R language syntax


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 15 min
Learning Objectives
  • Use basic R syntax to create variables, inspect functions, and write functions

  • Understand the use of parameters in functions, including named parameters and default parameters

  • Distinguish basic R data types

Variables and assignment

While R can be used as a fancy calculator, we often assign values to objects called variables, and refer to the variables later to retrieve the values.

x <- 5
[1] 5

After using the assignment operator <-, we can use x instead of 5 throughout our script.

Variables create an abstraction that supports reproducibility. This has many immediate advantages, including:

  1. Not having to ‘hard-code’ values in our scripts. This is especially important when a single variable is referenced more than once in the script – in that case, we only need to change the initial value assigned to the variable instead of changing the value everywhere in the script.
  2. Legibility. With good variable names, the script becomes more legible as it is apparent to other readers what is being done/evaluated at each step of the script.

Object names in R


There are a few rules that needs to be observed when naming variables and other R objects, namely:

  1. Variable names may contain numbers, but may not start with a number. x2 is valid, 2x is not.
  2. Variable names cannot contain mathematical symbols such as “+”, “-“,”*”, “/”.
  3. Variable names are case-sensitive.
  4. Variable names that start with “.” are hidden in the global environment (more on environments later)
  5. Some words are reserved by the language, and you cannot use them for an R object. For example, you cannot name an object if.


  • Many R objects (variables and functions) have a . in the name, e.g., More recent convention is to separate multi-word object names with _, e.g., foo_bar.
  • You can (but generally should not) give an object the same name as an existing object. For example, the combining function c() is one of the most commonly used functions in R; you can name an object c, but that would make it harder to use the c() function.


Variables are not the only types of objects in R. One critical type of object is a function. Functions (usually) take arguments, and (usually) return values, which may be any type of object supported by the language (including functions). Let’s take a function like sqrt(), which not surprisingly returns the square root of its argument. The return value can be assigned to a variable or passed to another function.

[1] 1.414214

You might think that sqrt() would just take one number as an argument but in fact it can take a vector of numbers as an argument. We’ll see vectors in the next section.

# 1:10 is an R shorthand for the integers 1 to 10, inclusive.
 [1] 1.000000 1.414214 1.732051 2.000000 2.236068 2.449490 2.645751 2.828427
 [9] 3.000000 3.162278
# it won't work with things that aren't numbers
sqrt("hello world")
Error in sqrt("hello world"): non-numeric argument to mathematical function
# and it recognises that negative numbers don't have a real square root.
Warning in sqrt(-1): NaNs produced
[1] NaN

Function arguments

Functions have arguments, and some of them have many arguments. To get the most out of a function, you need to be able to use its arguments properly. Consider a function to round a number to a specific number of digits after the decimal.

[1] 3
[1] 3.14
[1] 3.14

We already see that round() can take an additional argument, called digits, that specifies how much rounding is requested. The digits argument is optional. The behaviour above suggests how R handles such arguments:

Finding out about function arguments

In addition to the usual ? and ?? for help, or help(), you can also use the args function to find out just the arguments of a function. Args takes a function (or a function name) as an argument, and displays its arguments, e.g.,

function (x, digits = 0) 

An exercise

Assume the haploid human genome is 3.1Mb. The average molecular weight of a base pair is 660g/mol. Estimate the weight of DNA in a human cell in picograms, rounded to three digits.


genome_length <- 3.1e9
genome_bp <- 2*genome_length
avogadros_number <- 6.02e23
bp_moles <- genome_bp / avogadros_number
grams <- bp_moles*660
picograms <- grams*1e12
[1] 6.797

Key Points

  • R objects like variables provide abstraction for R programming and data analysis

  • R functions encapsulate capabilities that we can re-use over and over with different input provided as arguments.